Captain Cook's got nothing on me |
I have arrived. And if you think you're getting a detailed report after 27 hours of traveling, think again. The only delays were in getting out of Logan -- once to install new video equipment so we could watch a really bad movie, and once to call back the fuel truck because we didn't gas up enough. But hey, we only left two hours late. By the way, somebody owes me a Wednesday. Click to enlarge the photos 
This is the view from the balcony of Stefan and Jeannie's apartment. Spectacular, ain't it? The weather is in the mid-60s and sunny. I'm assuming you're smart enough to pick out the Opera House. |
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August 10, 2000 (or a reasonable facsimile thereof) |
Here the Intrepid, if Bleary-Eyed, Explorer displays evidence that he is actually in Oz, i.e., Bill Bryson's book "In a Sunburned Country." All right, standing next to a sign that reads "Wollongong" would be more convincing, but I just got here. Most of what I know so far comes out of this book, which I read about half of on the way here. The man is inordinately concerned about the ways you might die in Australia, including (but not limited to) crocodiles, jellyfish, poisonous snakes, and a more-varied-than-necessary array of spiders. 